We Clean West Coast LLC

Your Satisfaction Is Our Pride

About Us

Our associates have years of experience with residential, commercial and post construction cleaning. The management team has had many years of experience in the service industry as well as hotel and restaurant industry. We know firsthand how important is is to be thorough and detailed and not to cut corners when it comes to cleanliness, sanitation and customer satisfaction.

The team will arrive on time and they will be dressed professionally. Courtesy and friendliness will also be part of our uniform. We will provide our associates with the ongoing training necessary to be professionnals in what we do and we will ensure that, as a team, we meet your expectations.

At We Clean West Coast LLC, we believe that a happy employee can offer their best. We strive to develop each employee's interest in the growth of our company. We work hard to serve each customer and the reward is that we share the company profits as a team. Each employee gets the income that they deserve.

We believe that you will find our prices to be competitive and fair, your feedback is appreciated and most importantly, Your Satisfaction is Our Pride.

For more details on the services we provide, see our Services page.